A Brief History

Once upon a time, there were two sims named Jodi and Killian. They didn't know each other but they were tasked with coming together to create the perfect child to save a disaster stricken region. They were to create the Wonder Child. [cue fanfare]

The two got off to a bit of an awkward start but before too long, they fell madly in love and built a cozy little home in which to raise their little bundle of perfection. 

Jodi and Killian bonding over their love of cloud gazing

 They decided to get married soon after settling into promising careers. Killian chose the Tech Guru path and Jodi went the route of Critic. The wedding was a simple ceremony at Myshuno Meadows with a few of their mutual acquaintances there to bear witness.    

The two newlyweds seal the deal with a kiss

Soon, a child was born, a happy, bouncing baby boy they named Isaiah Price. The Wonder Child Training Initiative would soon begin.

Isaiah celebrates a birthday with mom, Jodi and dad, Killian

The prodigy takes a quick break from learning all the things to stargaze with his father.

It was a long road but with grit and determination, Isaiah grew up well outfitted for the challenge ahead of him. He boasted an impressive Wonder Child score of 747 having maxed 31 skills, earned 33 traits, and completed 8 aspirations.

Isaiah as a teen admiring his homemade rocket

On the day of his 18th birthday, he finally received the long awaited letter.

Greetings, citizen.
     No doubt you have heard of the devastation. Much of the media reports coming out of the City of Glassbolt have been white washed to gloss over what happened there. We know that approximately 5 minutes after half time of the super bowl, the nuclear power plant of Glassbolt melted down, devastating the entire region. The army core of engineers cites that a simultaneous flush of every toilet in the city caused a massive drop in water pressure, thus causing the plant to lose coolant and melt down. This isn’t your ordinary meltdown. That plant was experimental! The fallout is causing strange and odd problems in the region and we have very little details about what is going on in there.
     What we DO know is that we need a leader, a hero to willingly go in there, establish themselves in the region and help restore it back to normal. We have one other bit of declassified information. This actually happened 20 years ago. We’ve lost contact with the region. You, Isaiah Price, have graduated from our Wonder Child project. You were specially created to be able to solve these issues. So get in there and show us what you are made of! The lost city of Glassbolt is depending on you!

With the Wonder Child Initiative completed, Isaiah left the only home he had ever known and journeyed out into the world to the city of Glassbolt. His father, Killian who had outlived his beloved wife, took up residence with the Villareal family in the nearby town of Windenburg vowing to stay close to his only son. Isaiah was dropped into the destroyed region the very next day and after getting settled in his new place (which was a bit of a downgrade from his previous home to say the least) the Apocalypse Challenge began.
