
Showing posts from April, 2018

Things Are Finally Looking Up!

Day 29:      It's been a bit of a bumpy road thus far and I've had plenty of doubts in myself and my mission here in Glassbolt but I think the tables are finally beginning to turn in my favor. There's so much good news to tell, I don't know what to share first. Well, I reached the top of my career! I'm now a celebrity chef and I've managed to get the attention of some of the worlds most famous chefs who sent truck loads of food into the city and workers to repair the gas and electric lines which means, we can finally have a refrigerator and stove! We have electricity in the house and we don't have to eat disgusting fish ever again! Today, I made Miko rack of lamb and I thought she was going to fall out of her chair, she was so happy. That face you make when you realize you've never had food this good, EVER!      Meeko got promoted to 'Fan Favorite' so two more promotions and she'll have it in the bag. I've been holding onto someth

Close But No Cigar

Day 22:      It's been a while since my last entry but i was really hoping a would have better news to write about. It's currently 11pm on Sunday and I just got home from work ...where I'm only a breath away from the promotion that will put me on top of my career. I had hoped that Miko and I had suffered through our last meal of spoiled fried fish and we would be buying a stove and fridge today but instead, I get to hand over $14,000 to the mob tomorrow with absolutely nothing to show for it. I'm so depressed and discouraged and Miko was so excited about not eating fish anymore. Just one more week and I promise, you'll never have to taste fish again for the rest of your life. Cooking Grilled Fish for the 100th Time.      On a happier note, Miko got promoted and is now a Novelist. She's well on her way but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. I've been mentoring her in writing and it's helping her skill up faster but it's

One Week (But No Barenaked Ladies)

Day 9:      Miko was able to get a job as a writer in hopes of bringing literature back into the region. Right now, we have no way of obtaining new books and if any of my future descendants wants to learn about anything, they're going to need access to books and libraries. Miko has a plan of how to raise money to rebuild the local libraries but it all hinges on her reaching the top of her career. So far, so good. Just today, she earned a promotion to Freelance Article Writer.       As for me, I'm well on my way to becoming the best chef this place has ever seen. I selected my path today and got promoted to Head Caterer. I love the sound of that! Has a nice ring to it. One of these days soon, hopefully I'll be writing that I reached the top and I'll be onto my next big adventure... that is, if Miko is ready for it. We're doing great, the two of us. We haven't erm... done the deed yet... but I don't sleep on the  couch anymore. Baby steps.       Yes

Love and Radiation

Day 4:      So many problems in this place, its really hard to decide which one to tackle first. The local mob has a strangle hold on the people here, taking all the money that they manage to scrape together for "protection". What a crock. I had planned to join them and work my way to the top of their little organization but the spoiled fish that I choked down for dinner on my second day made me think again. The disaster severed gas and power lines in the area, hence the reason I have no stove, fridge or electricity in my bunker. I'm forced to use my improvised grill to cook the fish that I catch from the pond behind my place and with no way to store it, it goes bad pretty quickly. I do NOT recommend eating spoiled fish to ANYONE, by the way. Puke city. So I decided to join the culinary career and hopefully catch the attention of some famous chefs who would be willing to come to the region and help us out. Some good food and electricity could go a long way here. I was

Welcome to Glassbolt

From the personal diary of Isaiah Price: Day 1:      Well, here I am in the beautiful city of Glassbolt. Just kidding, its a hellhole but I guess I knew that coming in. It's basically just miles and miles of sand, scorching sun, and radioactive dust storms. Paradise, right? I said goodbye to dad yesterday. He said he'd visit whenever he was able and I know that he will but I almost don't want him to. This place is a mess. They set me up in an underground bunker in the middle of nowhere with only a few basic provisions and pretty much wished me good luck and got the heck out. I managed to scout the area a little bit and I'm actually happy to say that food shouldn't be an issue for me. There's a fishing spot right behind my base and I bet that the fish here probably glow in the dark but what are a couple hundred rads when you're the freaking wonder child, yeah? Nothing a nice trashcan grill can't fix. I'll attach a few pictures of my place for poste

A Brief History

Once upon a time, there were two sims named Jodi and Killian. They didn't know each other but they were tasked with coming together to create the perfect child to save a disaster stricken region. They were to create the Wonder Child. [cue fanfare] The two got off to a bit of an awkward start but before too long, they fell madly in love and built a cozy little home in which to raise their little bundle of perfection.  Jodi and Killian bonding over their love of cloud gazing  They decided to get married soon after settling into promising careers. Killian chose the Tech Guru path and Jodi went the route of Critic. The wedding was a simple ceremony at Myshuno Meadows with a few of their mutual acquaintances there to bear witness.     The two newlyweds seal the deal with a kiss Soon, a child was born, a happy, bouncing baby boy they named Isaiah Price. The Wonder Child Training Initiative would soon begin. Isaiah celebrates a birthday with mom, Jodi