One Week (But No Barenaked Ladies)

Day 9:
     Miko was able to get a job as a writer in hopes of bringing literature back into the region. Right now, we have no way of obtaining new books and if any of my future descendants wants to learn about anything, they're going to need access to books and libraries. Miko has a plan of how to raise money to rebuild the local libraries but it all hinges on her reaching the top of her career. So far, so good. Just today, she earned a promotion to Freelance Article Writer. 

     As for me, I'm well on my way to becoming the best chef this place has ever seen. I selected my path today and got promoted to Head Caterer. I love the sound of that! Has a nice ring to it. One of these days soon, hopefully I'll be writing that I reached the top and I'll be onto my next big adventure... that is, if Miko is ready for it. We're doing great, the two of us. We haven't erm... done the deed yet... but I don't sleep on the  couch anymore. Baby steps. 

     Yesterday was Sunday so Miko and I did a little shopping. We got ourselves a couple of fish bowls so I don't have to go down to the pond as often. Kind of sad watching those little guys swim around in there, knowing I'm going to be cooking and eating them soon but that's life, I guess. You're either a shark or a guppy and my survival depends on me being a shark. We also got Miko a computer and I managed to somehow get just enough electricity out of the remaining infrastructure to let her do her tasks for work but its unreliable to say the least. Shame. I sure would kill to play some Blickblock right about now. Speaking of entertainment, we also were able to snag a bookcase and a card table and chairs. Maybe now Miko and I won't be so tense all the time. 
Miko was glad to finally have a distraction even if it was only for work.
Of course I let her win. I'd do anything to see that smile.
     I grabbed some shelves too to help with some storage issues we're beginning to have. There's only so much floor space in an 8x8 square. Maybe soon, we can build above ground if we can save enough money before the damn mob comes back around. They took every penny Miko and I had and left us with nothing. They're going to be a hard problem to solve but we're going to get through it... somehow.

     I feel horrible for Miko. She tries to hide it but I know she hates this place. I don't blame her. It's filthy and grody. Every time we eat or use the bathroom, we almost toss our cookies. I wish for her sake that she had never agreed to move in with me but I'm glad she's here. I would go crazy without someone to talk to. The fish are extremely lacking in conversational skills. On the bright side, at least I have plenty of time to workout and satisfy my Active trait. Never got to do that much at home with all the studying that I was required to do. Well I think that's all for this entry. Tune in next time, kids! Same bat time, same bat channel! ...I think I'm starting to lose it. At least Miko thinks I'm funny.

Poor Miko. I caught her making this face when she thought I wasn't looking. She deserves better than this.

Had to include a photo of me at the gun show. You're welcome, ladies. ;)
