Things Are Finally Looking Up!

Day 29:
     It's been a bit of a bumpy road thus far and I've had plenty of doubts in myself and my mission here in Glassbolt but I think the tables are finally beginning to turn in my favor. There's so much good news to tell, I don't know what to share first. Well, I reached the top of my career! I'm now a celebrity chef and I've managed to get the attention of some of the worlds most famous chefs who sent truck loads of food into the city and workers to repair the gas and electric lines which means, we can finally have a refrigerator and stove! We have electricity in the house and we don't have to eat disgusting fish ever again! Today, I made Miko rack of lamb and I thought she was going to fall out of her chair, she was so happy.

That face you make when you realize you've never had food this good, EVER!

     Meeko got promoted to 'Fan Favorite' so two more promotions and she'll have it in the bag. I've been holding onto something for a little while but I couldn't wait to give it to her any longer. On one of my many fishing trips, I managed to acquire a ring. It's nothing fancy but it was all I had. I got down on one knee and asked her if she would be interested in spending the rest of her life with me and well...  

We eloped right then and there. <3

     I'm so happy right now, I don't even know how to handle it! Meeko and I celebrated our nuptials (a few times, to be honest ...but who's bragging?) and the next morning, Meeko said she felt ill. We were both very worried at first as doctors are non-existent here but my beautiful new bride has since developed a belly. I'm over the moon excited to write this... I'm going to be a dad!! 

Look at that baby belly! And that's only the second trimester!

I don't even care if it's a boy or a girl just as long as it's healthy! Bring on the next generation! I can't wait to teach my little son or daughter everything I know and I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with Meeko, my light in this dark world. There's nothing we can't do. I love you both so much!

I found 'the one'.

     I've never had this much to fight for... or this much to lose. My mission means more now than it ever has. I won't let the people of Glassbolt down, I swear it.
