Welcome to Glassbolt

From the personal diary of Isaiah Price:

Day 1:
     Well, here I am in the beautiful city of Glassbolt. Just kidding, its a hellhole but I guess I knew that coming in. It's basically just miles and miles of sand, scorching sun, and radioactive dust storms. Paradise, right? I said goodbye to dad yesterday. He said he'd visit whenever he was able and I know that he will but I almost don't want him to. This place is a mess. They set me up in an underground bunker in the middle of nowhere with only a few basic provisions and pretty much wished me good luck and got the heck out. I managed to scout the area a little bit and I'm actually happy to say that food shouldn't be an issue for me. There's a fishing spot right behind my base and I bet that the fish here probably glow in the dark but what are a couple hundred rads when you're the freaking wonder child, yeah? Nothing a nice trashcan grill can't fix. I'll attach a few pictures of my place for posterity. Hopefully, someday the whole world will read this diary and learn how my future family and I saved the whole region. Honestly, all I care about is making mom and dad proud. They gave me everything for this so I'll give it everything I have in me. That's all for now.

The entrance to my bunker with my little fishing spot in the background
And here it is. My mansion of misery. It's a really good thing I'm not claustrophobic.
